Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Society: History: By Region: Europe: Macedonia
Free Books - Embroidery, Crochet, Lace, and Knitting
American Lace and Lace-Makers (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1924), by Emily Noyes Vanderpoel
Ancient Needlepoint and Pillow Lace (London: Arundel Society for Promoting the Knowledge of Art, 1875), by Alan S. Cole
The Anna Dike Scott Collection of Old Lace (1905)
Bobbins of Belgium: A Book of Belgian Lace, Lace-Workers, Lace-Schools and Lace-Villages (1920), by Charlotte Kellogg
Chats on Old Lace and Needlework (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908), by Emily Leigh Lowes
Embroidery and Lace: Their Manufacture and History from the Remotest Antiquity to the Present Day (London: H. Grevel and Co., 1888), by Ernest Lefébure, ed. by Alan S. Cole
A Guide to Old and New Lace in Italy, Exhibited at Chicago in 1893, by Countess di Brazzŕ
Hints for Beginners on Torchon Lace-Work (1904-1909), by A. M. Sime
A History of Hand-Made Lace (1900), by Emily Jackson
History of Lace (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902), by Bury Palliser, ed. by Margaret Jourdain and Alice Dryden
Home Lace-Making: A Handbook for Teachers and Pupils (1909), by M. E. W. Milroy
How to Make Battenberg and Point Lace (Boston: The Priscilla Pub. Co. c1900), by Nellie Clarke Brown
Lace, Ancient and Modern (New York: Sharps Publishing Company, 1880), by Mrs. C. D. Beebe
The Lace and Embroidery Collector: A Guide to Collectors of Old Lace and Embroidery (1922), by Mrs R. E. Head
The Lace Book, by N. Hudson Moore
A Lace Guide for Makers and Collectors (New York: E. P. Dutton, c1920), by Gertrude Whiting
Lace: Its Origin and History (New York: Brentano's, 1904), by Samuel L. Goldenberg
Lace Making and Collecting: An Elementary Handbook (1909), by A. Penderel Moody
Lavender and Old Lace, by Myrtle Reed
Madame Goubaud's Point Lace Book: Instructions and Patterns (second edition), by Madame Goubaud
Old Italian Lace (1913), by Elisa Ricci
Old Lace: A Handbook for Collectors (London: B. T. Batsford, 1908), by Margaret Jourdain
Old World Lace, or, A Guide for the Lace Lover (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1920), by Clara M. Blum
Pillow Lace: A Practical Hand-Book (1909), by Elizabeth Mincoff and Margaret S. Marriage, illust. by Ernest Marriage
Point and Pillow Lace (1905), by Mary Sharp
A Renascence of the Irish Art of Lace-Making (London: Chapman and Hall, 1888), by Alan S. Cole
The Romance of the Lace Pillow: Being a History of Lace-Making in Bucks, Beds, Northants and Neighbouring Counties, Together With Some Account of the Lace Industries of Devon and Ireland (1919), by Thomas Wright
Seven Centuries of Lace (1908), by Maria Pollen, contrib. by Alan S. Cole
A Technical History of the Manufacture of Venetian Lace (1888), by Giuseppe Marino Urbani de Gheltof
Home Work: A Choice Collection of Useful Designs for the Crochet and Knitting Needle, by A. M.
Knitting-Work: A Web of Many Textures, Wrought by Ruth Partington, by B. P. Shillaber
The Development of Embroidery in America
Containing Instructions In Knitting, Crochet, Point-Lace, etc.
The Needles Excellency: A New Book Wherein are Divers Admirable Works Wrought with the Needle (London: James Boler, 1631), by John Taylor
Weavers of the Jade Needle: Textiles of Highland Guatemala (1976), by Carol Stout
Home Sewing Course (1930s), by Helen Hall
Jacobean Embroidery, Its Forms and Fillings Including Late Tudor